Ms. K. B. Patel
Assistant Professor
AMIE Section-B W’2007 in Electronics and Communication Engineering, IEI, Pune Centre
M.E. May2013 E&TC specialisation in Signal Processing, from Modern College of Engineering, Pune
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Research Interests
Signal and Systems
Signal processing
[1] Kapila B Patel, Prof. Mrs. S. Boarde, “Adaptive Algorithm For Estimation and Compensation Of IQ Impairments In OFDM Systems”, IEEE project competition 2013, on Signal and Image Processing, SKNCOE,Pune.
[2] Kapila B Patel, Prof. Mrs. S. Boarde, “Compensation of RF impairments in OFDM Sytems”, e-Pgcorn conference 2011, CCOEW, Pune